Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Guest Post - Carrie Lumley "Does it Pay to Boost your Facebook Post?"

When I read this blog post, I knew I had to share it with ya'll.  Carrie Lumley is on my Networking Team and is rocking her blog.  This one is great.  

Does it Pay to Boost your Facebook Post?

Hey Guys!

All of us that have business pages on Facebook know that Facebook will boost the post for more to see it.  This of course comes for a fee.  These boosted posts come across the news feeds of many people as an advertisement.  Does any of us really pay any attention to these paid ads?  I know I don't.

I have tried boosting several different posts and have had no results.  Sure more people saw the post but nothing came from spending that money.  I set the limit low so it wouldn't cost much.  Sure I reached 500 plus people, but interaction on my posts was minimal if anything at all! 

From this experience I will not pay to boost posts anymore.

I can tell you that I have tried something different and it is FREE!  I get more exposure and people are
viewing my page on their own!  This is exactly how it should be!!!  I want people to see my business and my personal page on their own.  

I want people to see and connect with me, the person.

How is it, you ask, that I am doing this for FREE?

Well let me explain.  

I have an awesome networking group of people that share, comment and like my posts, whether personal or business related.  I return the favour by sharing, commenting on and liking their posts.   The more interaction you get on your posts the more Facebook will pick up on that and have it show up in others news feeds.  Pure genius right?  

Create for yourself a network of people that interact on each others posts!  Not only do you get to know those in your network better but you help boost each other!  You don't need to be in the same business or even the same type of business.  As long as all are willing to put the effort in, this will work for all of you.

Start interacting more with posts from your friends and family.  This will also get you more exposure! 

You don't need long and well worded comments.  Even just a sticker will suffice!  

Get networking!  Build relationships!  Relationships will last longer than the odd sale here or there.  Save your money!  Comment, like and share.  It's as simple as that!

Until next time ....


#boost #postboost #facebookpost #post #free

1 comment:

  1. This is excellent. Not sure how I missed this on Carrie's blog.
